How to Catch Snook – Worthy Adversary
Southwest Florida snook are certainly one of the most pursued, but least caught gamefish in Florida waters. These worthy adversaries have a disposition very similar to that of a largemouth bass from northern Florida, but are much faster and more powerful. Southwest Florida snook are wary, intelligent, tricky, finicky, and certainly many other adjectives would do just fine when describing the fighting action of the SW Florida snook.
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Oyster-Encrusted Mangrove Roots
To put it mildly, the snook that are found in Southwest Florida waters are some of the greatest masters of the art of escape. They quickly and thoroughly learn their environment and will utilize any environmental cover for ambushing prey items or just staying out of the way. This can include, but is not limited, to oyster-encrusted mangrove roots, pilings, larger submerged rocks and bulwark over-hangs. Their razor-sharp gill plates are always available to cut your line and gain freedom.
In addition to the challenge of navigating the mangroves, you may be competing with other types of fish when working these areas. If you are using live bait such as shrimp or greenbacks, you may find that your bait is getting swiped by a juvenile mangrove snapper. These little snappers are experts at stealing a live bait quickly so be aware of them when fishing the mangroves and the flats.
Masters at Tossing the Hook
The snook are also great leapers, and are masters at throwing the hook during their acrobatic jumps. Although snook don’t have a mouthful of sharp teeth, they do have a mouth which is, in fact, very similar to that of a largemouth bass. Wearing through or slicing through the toughest of leader materials with their extremely abrasive mouths or razor-sharp gill coverings makes the use of heavy pound test leaders a must.
Southwest Florida Snook Not Uncatchable but Very difficult
If this review seems to come across as putting the Southwest Florida snook in a light that deems these guys uncatchable then we apologize for that. Personally this snooker has caught and landed a fair share of huge Florida snook, but has also seen and lost 10 times that amount. The point of the matter is that snook fishing is unlike any other type of saltwater fishing that many anglers will ever get the opportunity to experience. The above listed reasons are only a sampling of what an inshore saltwater snook fishing angler will go up against when fishing for Southwest Florida snook.
Best Fishing Techniques for Snook is Live Pilchard
One of the best fishing techniques for Southwest Florida snook involves a live pilchard or if those are unavailable for whatever reason a lively pinfish will do just as well. Start off by first obtaining at least 3 to 6 relatively small pinfish, but not too small, and place them in a flow-through bait bucket. Now that the bait has been obtained it is time to rig up the snook gear for the best possible chance of landing one of these monsters of the inshore waters.
Space-Age Materials
With new technology, especially in the science of hook and line rapidly approaching space-age materials and tension strength that can lift dump trucks, it is relatively easy to locate a very good barbless hook and line that is virtually invisible. Since the snook are armed with razor-sharp gill-coverings it is imperative to use a heavy 60+ lb test leader to deter fraying and reduce the chances of line cutting. No weight is required as the more natural the pinfish is allowed to swim the more apt a snook will be to accept this bait.
Toss out about 5 to 10 feet from the structure that the snook was either sited or what could be a great location for a snook to hang out. Be ever mindful and watchful of conditions in the area as Southwest Florida snook will take advantage of even the slightest change in environmental factors.